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Time management review!

Updated: Jun 26, 2018

"Aren't we all guilty of time wasting. We start doing something what we like and enjoy and time flies by." "Wishing is not enough. You need a plan and you have to work hard and grind it every day."

Here we go. One week into money wise education and the changes are unbelievable. My son nicely follows the rules and makes notes of his time usage. I can see it made him more organized and aware of what time it is. I remember times when he spent 6 hours straight on the X-box and he thought he just played for 1 hour. Ridiculous - am I right? I don't think so. Aren't we all guilty of time wasting? We start doing something what we like and enjoy and time flies. I am guilty watching TV sets like "Friends" or " Game of Thrones". Then I feel guilty and I decide next day will be a day where I will do my work. We all look to find something to distract us to have a poor excuse why we are not doing as good as we wish. Wishing is not enough. You need a plan and you have to work hard and grind it every day. This is the only way. No one told you it will be easy to get wealthy. If it was easy everyone would be rich.

Another change my son implemented is ....... He stopped wasting his time on watching videos on youtube. He made a decision ,what he enjoys more, playing or watching videos. He has a plan and target which I can see he is determined to achieve. I am so proud of him. I feel like we are on track to something great.

Here is what Pawel's performance was for the past week of his time record spreadsheet:

- Fun time total: 16 hours

I can confirm that he did manage to give me back 8 hours and 30 minutes in money wise education.

I asked him to watch a couple videos on youtube:

- work smart not hard "Pablo and Bruno's story"

- things which rich people do and poor don't

- things which you shouldn't do with your money

I know some things are way out of his league and knowledge but we have to start somewhere. We talked a lot about what he watched what he thinks about it. Outcome is interesting and I bet each child will have a different view on this.

Pawel likes the idea of making money wisely and he asked me how he can make money as a kid. He thinks there is no other way than pocket money which he never had from us as I am against paying kid for his help in home. I was helping my parents and I never expected to be paid for it. For me it is a normal thing. We are family we have to support each other.

So here came incentive from me as a parent for Pawels hard work:

For me, his work is going to school at the moment. He gets £1 for each day. He gets a bonus of £2 a week for good behavior and hard work. That includes meeting targets for money wise education. He helps me with this blog. We set up every channel together (Facebook and youtube so far). Hope he will do more and more in this area. There is more ways where our young kids can make money. I will make a special chapter about this topic.

Next chapter will be about budget management. Hope to see you in the next chapter of our journey.

Chris G.

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