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How can I or my kid make money online.

10 ways to make money online and build your passive income.

We would like to share with you 10 ideas how you can make money online. 10 years ago I would tell you this is impossible but now - ohhh yeeeaaa. There are so many successful people which are making money online and they are able to live of it. We will share the most known one first. Then from number 5 it will get interesting. These ideas might be new for you but can give you big chance to make money online. Lets start with obvious ones first:

1. Facebook

1.45 billion people on average log onto Facebook daily and are considered as daily active users!!! This is huge just imagine you could pitch your ideas, business to those people. Facebook is more like a tool to make money online. First you will have to work hard to create good content and market your FB page. We will create more content to cover in dept how to do it in future blogs.

2. Twitter

A total of 1.3 billion accounts have been created on Twitter. This is another massive audience. It is quick and simple to use. Again this is just a tool which can be monetized as long as you create content and advertise your site. We will spend some more time in another blog how to do it and how to make money from Twitter.

3. Instagram

Instagram has 800 million users and 500 million of those are daily active users. Another huge platform to let people know what your business is about or what you are trying to do. Another great tool to make online money.

4. YouTube

Site has 1 billion active users each month. You can create your content on that platform and use it to advertise your ideas to people which are interested in your pitched topic.

All those platforms needs to be updated, have good content and use good marketing strategies to be able to make money from them. As we mentioned before, we will create a separate blog on how to do it as this is big subject.

Now we will carry on with the list of ways where you can make money right now without upfront growing your audience.

This is our favorite place to start making money as freelancer. Fiverr is the place where you can offer your service to people around the world. Use your skills and create an offer on their website. Start getting orders and make money. Simple as that. It is free to sign in and its free to become a seller. You will keep 80% of your transactions. We think it is good deal. There is around 150 categories under which you can sell your gig. Fiverr counting that 25 million projects were completed so far. Every 5 seconds someone makes an order and you can set your own price on your offer from $5-$10k. Click on the picture or the Fiverr name and it will send you to their site.

On this website you can register for free and start completing small task and get paid for it. Tasks are as easy as "visit website". Jobs pay from $0,05 - $5,00. Average pay is around $0,20/per task. Starting is a bit hard but once you get used to it you can make $3-$5/h. This might not be ideal for adult but just imagine your kid working every day for 1 hour for 7 days and make just $3/day. This would give you $3 x 1h x 7d = $21.

this is $21 a week, $91 a month and massive $1090 a year. The highest earner made $15,466.21 completing 68371 tasks since January 2013. Just check it out and see what you think about this opportunity. We do think it is nice that you can use earned money by setting up your job on their site for other workers so you might grow your audience, likes or followers on your social media or blog. This is a really good way to make money work hard for you.

This opportunity to make money online will suit people which like to write. You can be paid really good money as you keep ranking up. Click the link to see how much you can get paid! Earnings seems to be really rewarding. There is over 84k jobs requested over the last month. iWriter has over 980k registered writers and since it has been launched it provided over 7 millions articles to customers. You can build your own customer base, so if you keep them happy they will be able to order your next article directly from you. We like this one so much. It can bust your income or be your full time job as long as you write good content.

This might be ideal for young people. This site organizes contests for their customers. They request contests for the best logo or business name for their brand and so on. You can submit your idea and get paid if you win. It might take you second to think of the name and submit it. You can submit 100's of them and hope your name will be chosen.

This website will let you sell your own graphic design set on products available on websites. They will run an online shop for you and will collect orders and ship items to customers. There is no cost for you to hold the stock and you decide on the price of the product. It is a great way to start your brand and sell it online. Check it out. Way worth it.

10. Etsy

This is a very similar site to gearbubble. You open your shop but with your own crafts. If you enjoy producing hand made crafts, this is the place to be. Each listing will cost you about £0,15-£0,20. There is no monthly fees and you are charged 3.5% of the price when you make a sale and an additional 4%+£0,20 for payment processing. When you establish your price just add those costs so you're not losing out. List as many products as you wish. Listing stays for a month or until it sels out. They recon that there is 29 million buyers visiting their site to make their shopping. There is no time to waste. Take your home business into another level.

We hope you will find this list helpful. We would love to here from you what website do you like the most? It is time to make money online now!

Good luck and see you in the next blog post.

Chris G.

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I used to be a digital marketer, does it count in making money online? I better know how to spend money online via ordering a dissertation conclusion. I'm just kidding, the service is great!

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